Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring Time Fun

I am sitting nice and cozy in my home - watching the worst wind storm I've seen in years out the living room window. It's definitely spring time in Texas! As I look outside - I'm thinking of lessons I would love to do next week given the windy spring season has subsided. It's time for blooms, flowers and bugs! Yes, I said bugs. As much I hate them I love them, especially when I am looking at my clients and their wide-eyed faces or wrinkled up noses. They either love them or hate them as well. But my the language you can cultivate!

One of the lessons I love to do - goes with the book, "In the Tall, Tall Grass" by Denise Fleming. It is a little boy down in the grass exploring all the insects with rhyme, that's one way to enjoy, but the other way is just as fun. We make 4x4 cards of tall grass and glue it on a Popsicle stick. We get down on the floor and explore.

Before hand, I have gone to the dollar store, which is now busting at the seams with spring fling; and bought play rakes, shovels, Easter green grass and miniature plastic bugs - all varieties. Butterflies, ladybugs, grasshoppers, crickets, dragon flies, spiders, and ants to name a few - they have been placed on the floor and hidden - as we are on the floor, they explore and I make the sounds. Butterflies flitter, flutter; ladybugs dart and dip; bees hum and strum and so on. This is appropriate for four year olds through six year old to build vocabulary with action words.

For the younger group of children, I paint a mural of all green and place next to the toys. I have through the years bought lots of rubber stamps of various items through Oriental Trading - what a great outlet for materials. Anyway, I have bugs - the children pick a stamp to use on the mural and as they stamp down on the paper I have them listen, discriminate, and imitate. It could be as easy as 'hop, hop, hop' for grasshopper or a little harder 'flitter, flutter, flitter, flutter' and they go find that bug in the 'tall, tall grass'. Tons of fun for the afternoon.
Oh how I wish the winds would go away!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Get in Touch for Summer Camp

Summer Day Camp 2012 - Fun with Listening and Language is going to happen!  I am very excited about this!  A friend told me; 'Stop saying 'if this camp happens' and start saying 'when this camp happens'.
She was right - I started putting the word out, started having meetings and talking to people and asked for help and everyone said - 'Yes'.

We have put together a fun time and fun ideas and fun language activities.  We will talk, talk, talk, and sing, sing, sing, with Babies and Parents in the 10 mo. to 2 year old group.  This will run an hour a day.  We will learn some language while playing with activities dealing with Farm Animals, Water, and Dirt in the Toddler group; and we will continue to develop vocabulary and language when becoming scientists tracking around the world dinosaur bones with Little and Master Travelers.  Those three groups will run three hours a day and the camp itself will run for two weeks in June and two weeks in July.

The idea behind the camp is for our children not to lose the concepts and language they gained during the school year and continue to listen and to talk with help from teachers, professionals and family members.  Little ones who are not in school also continue to work with their parent in learning to listen and parents learning that auditory intake happens all the time

If you want more information, or just see whats happening - head on over to
and get all the info.  For now, just know I am excited! yea!