Sunday, December 4, 2011

There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's  your own self.  So you have to begin there, not outside, not on other people.  That comes afterwards, when you have worked on your own corner.                   Aldous Huxley
 Well, here we are, December!  The students love it, I love it, and everyone else. . . . well, it is December! 

I love this time of year because my house changes, the city changes, and the weather changes - all for the better.  At least I think so, and I think so because this is the time of year when I think about starting anew.  The year is almost over and I can throw it out the window.  I can think of all the things I didn't finish and/or accomplish and say - "Oh well, let's see if I can do this again." 
Maybe you think of this part of the year as just the end of the year.  Maybe you have another part of the year you enjoy better.  That really is okay - because everyone is different and everyone has choices.  Everyone likes what they like; change what they feel is important.  This time of year is my choice and where I begin to think about change.

The one item I won't change - is my love for my work and working with children - it is all consuming at times, a sleepless night sometimes, and exhausting sometimes.  But for me it is all worth it.  I do use this time to reflect on families (mine and those I work with) to realize just because I have done something for me and mine, doesn't mean those I work with have to follow it exactly.  Variety is the many facets of life!  Variety and change are several facets . . . waiting for the work that comes.
For those I have pushed my judgements on and my way of thinking; I am truly sorry, for those I have moved into thoughts which have changed their way of thinking and they liked it - yea!!
And for those I have lost for being so pushy - those are the ones I'll miss the most.  But I am learning, I am learning that my corner has to be the one that needs improving first - and if you learn something along the way - yea!!

The last item for December and the new item for the new year - improving my corner with new ideas and teaching and working therapy. Short and sweet and to the point - oh what a plan that should be!

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